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City Of Edinburgh Council

City of Edinburgh Council

Support for business Get free advice and support from Business Gateway to help you start or run a business in Edinburgh. Business Gateway runs free events to help you learn new skills For social enterprises Edinburgh is home to many social enterprises. Our Enabling Enterprise Strategy explains how we will help them grow. Contact is for help and advice to new and existing social enterprises. Business Gateway can give you free advice and support to help you start or run a social enterprise. Just Enterprise provides a range of useful support to the enterprising third sector Edinburgh Social Enterprise Network provides news and support to local social enterprises. For young people aged 18 to 30 - apart from Business Gateway, Prince's Trust Youth Business Scotland can advice and support you to start or grow a business. They provide grants of up to £1,000 and loans of up to £30,000. Business Gateway local office Telephone: 0131 529 6644 Email:

Areas Covered: Edinburgh


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